Metchosin Teachers
1872 – 1914
A teacher, Miss Mary Glyde, was appointed before July lst, 1871, but did not fill the position. That, of course, was the year that British Columbia entered Confederation and became Canada’s seventh province. Colonial Commissioner of Lands and Works, Joseph William Trutch, who was to approve the appointment, was made Lt. Governor of the new province. The changeover, and consequent delay, resulted in the withdrawal of Miss Glyde. It was not until March 1872 that classes finally began. Ten pupils were enrolled: 7 girls and 3 boys. The teacher was Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, though the official appointment was delayed until May of that year, when the first teachers were appointed under the new Public Schools Act of British Columbia.

Elizabeth Fisher 1872

Miss Abbie J. Polley 1875-1877

Mr. C.E. Clarke 1881-1884

Mr. S.J. Darrington Lee 1891

Mr. Dawson H.Elliot 1891-1891

Miss May Godson 1902-1906

Miss A.E. Hodges 1911-1912

Miss B.H. Sargent 1916-1917
John Witty and Sir James Douglas were moving forces behind construction of the old Metchosin school in 1872. Wood heated, with a teacher who was paid $55 a month, the school had 15 students by the time this picture was taken in 1899.
Source: The First Hundred Years Metchosin Elementary School 1872-1972, Marion I.Helgesen